Virtual Production Esports Arena
Applying Virtual production to esports
Esports is a fast-growing gaming phenomenon often described as the stakes of “real sports” but for video games. In esports, the top players of competitive games compete for large prize pools in front of both physical and digital crowds, in real-life arenas and digital streams. This thesis attempts to identify why viewers are interested in watching these streams and how digital production can enhance the experience. Starting with a preliminary interview study with six participants of varying backgrounds, which identified several consistently repeating themes of storylines, favourite players and teams, and interest in competition of the highest level as pervasive influences regarding esports viewership, it is clear that production is an addition to proper talent selection, and enhances the experience rather than being the focus of the content itself. Using these themes, I then developed a prototype using Unreal Engine 4 to simulate a competitive eSports environment, utilizing virtual production to allow viewers to visually experience a tournament setting and experience these underlying themes in the digital realm.
Virtually produced content overlayed on the pick screen.
Streaming overlays and cameras
The project also has specific camera angles and motions. By adding overlays of the content over footage of the game itself, you can capture the player’s faces and emotions as the game unfolds.
There are 11 cameras directed at people, one for each player and one for the casting booth. Additionally, there are several camera views that allow you to get a panning shot over the arena and the teams themselves.
character selection virtual element
When characters are selected in game, their character choices are displayed in front of their virtual selves, much like a real LAN environment.